Monday 1 October 2012



96. In addition, the Government will allocate RM6 billion in 2013 under the Private Financing Initiatives (PFI 2) to implement various projects and programmes to ensure the well-being of the rakyat and spur the nation’s development. 

Among the projects identified include refurbishment and maintenance of schools and health clinics; housing projects; water tank projects; flood mitigation plans and provision of sports facilities.

Creating a Safe and Harmonious Neighbourhood

97. The Government has introduced measures to reduce the crime rate as one of the initiatives under the NKRA. 

Efforts to further reduce the crime rate will continue to be enhanced, with an allocation of RM591 million in 2013 to implement the following measures:

First: Increasing the number of Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) personnel for patrolling and combating crime, upgrading infrastructure and providing modern equipment; 

Second: Establishing a Motorcycle Patrolling Unit to monitor housing areas. For this purpose, the Government will allocate RM20 million to provide 1,000 motorcycles; 

Third: Increasing the number of Police Volunteer Reserve (PVR) by an additional 10,000 officers involving an allocation of RM70 million to assist the police in combating crime; and

Fourth: Installing an additional 496 units of Closed Circuit Television or CCTV cameras in 25 local authorities in Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak to prevent street crimes in urban areas.

98. The Government is aware of the duties and responsibilities of PDRM personnel. 

To all PDRM personnel, I hear your grievances on several anomalies that exist, particularly in the scheme of service for PDRM officers. 

The Government will never take these matters lightly. 

The Government has already directed JPA to conduct a comprehensive study to enhance the career path of PDRM personnel. 

The study will be inclusive, consult all stakeholders and the issue will be addressed promptly.

99. The Government is committed to ensuring that every rakyat who is accused in a court receives a fair trial in accordance with their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. 

The Government has provided a launching grant of RM14 million to National Legal Aid Foundation for those who cannot afford legal representation. 

For 2013, an additional allocation of RM20 million is provided. 

100. The involvement of the private sector and local communities is vital in ensuring Malaysia remains a safe nation. 

In this regard, the following initiatives will be implemented by the Government:

First: Supporting the role of resident associations to promote patrolling activities in neighbourhoods. For this, the Government will provide a launching grant of RM40 million for 4,025 resident associations registered under the Registry of Societies Malaysia, with each association receiving RM10,000;

Second: Enhancing the role of neighbourhood watch (rukun tetangga) to assist in safeguarding the neighbourhood. For this, the Government targets 6,500 neighbourhood watch locations (kawasan rukun tetangga – KRT) by 2013. The Government will allocate RM39 million to finance KRT activities; 

Third: Providing uniforms to 300,000 active members of People’s Volunteer Corp (RELA) with an allocation of RM90 million; and

Fourth: Total deduction on the expenses on the installation of security control equipment in the same year the equipment is purchased as compared to the current deduction of 8 years under the Accelerated Capital Allowance. The Government has agreed to extend this incentive to housing developers.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission

101. The Government remains committed to combating corruption. 

In 2013, a sum of RM276 million is allocated to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission for this cause. 

For this, the Government will increase an additional of 150 posts annually to reach a total of 5,000 personnel. 

The measure is expected to help the Government to improve Malaysia’s ranking in the Corruption Perceptions Index. 

Driving Community Transformation

102. The Government has launched the Rural Transformation Programme or RTP as a platform to strengthen the development of rural areas. 

For urban communities, I am pleased to announce the Urban Transformation Programme or UTP. 

A sum of RM200 million will be allocated for this purpose. 

To ensure strategic coordination between RTP and UTP, a National Strategic Coordination Unit will be established under the Ministry of Finance. 

103. The Urban Transformation Programme is the Government’s initiative in the development of urban community to ensure seamless public and private services that are efficient, fast and easily accessible. 

The Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) is implemented by refurbishing existing vacant Government buildings or optimising utilisation of buildings with minimum cost. 

For example, in the UTC, the rakyat will be able to apply for a passport within one hour; pay zakat, utilities and quit rent; buy textiles and books; and to undertake recreational activities such as futsal and gym. 

The UTC is unique in that it operates daily from 8.30 am to 10 pm, including weekends. 

104. Under the UTP, the Government has launched two Urban Transformation Centres or UTCs, namely in Melaka and Kuala Lumpur. 

On average, the UTC KL receives 4,000 clients per day. 

The implementation of the UTC will be expanded nationwide in stages to six major locations, namely Alor Setar, Kuantan, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching.

Rural Transformation Programme 

105. In rural areas, the Government has established the Rural Transformation Centre or RTC in Gopeng, Perak and Wakaf Che Yeh, Kelantan to provide integrated services, including the collection, processing and distribution of agricultural products; banking and insurance; business advisory services; skills and training; clinic; and commercial space. 

Given the benefits to the local community, the Government will expand the RTC to Melaka, Johor, Pahang and Sarawak. 

In addition, the Government will upgrade Medan Info Desa to Mini-RTCs nationwide. 

Development for Rural Areas and Orang Asli Community

106. Rural areas will continue to be developed to reduce the disparity between urban and rural areas. 

In 2013, a sum of RM4.5 billion will be allocated to implement various rural infrastructure development projects including :

First: Providing RM1.2 billion to develop 441 kilometres rural roads and village link road projects to benefit 220,000 villagers;

Second: Providing RM1.6 billion for rural utility infrastructure projects which involves water supply to 24,000 houses and electricity supply to 19,000 houses; 

Third: Providing RM137 million to finance Program Desa Lestari involving 29 villages nationwide and benefiting 38,000 villagers. Major programmes include upgrading of food and marine product processing plants, construction of new jetties, marketing centres and tourism complexes as well as organising recreational and homestay activities;

Fourth: Providing RM88 million to implement economic development programmes and water supply projects for the Orang Asli community; and

Fifth: Providing RM100 million to supply 40,000 water tanks for rainwater harvesting, particularly in the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak. 

Health as the Essence to Well-Being

107. The Government will continue to ensure the rakyat enjoys good health services. 

For 2013, the Government will allocate RM19.3 billion for operating expenditure and development expenditure. 

108. The launching of 1Malaysia clinics has received overwhelming response and benefited local communities in reducing treatment cost and facilitating health services access to treatment. 

The Government will allocate RM20 million for an additional 70 new 1Malaysia clinics in 2013. 

1Malaysia clinics will now provide blood test services which include cholesterol and glucose tests as well as urine tests. 

In addition, RM100 million is allocated to upgrade 350 clinics nationwide as well as to provide an additional 150 dialysis machines in Government haemodialysis centres across the country.

Development of Women, Family and Community

109. Women play an important role in raising happy families as well as contributing towards economic development. 

For this, the Government allocates RM50 million to support the women’s dual roles by implementing the following measures:

First: A total of 500 women will be trained as board members under the Women Directors’ Programme;

Second: The Single Mothers Skills Incubator Programme (I-KIT) will be improved to provide advisory services and training for single mothers in entrepreneurship; 

Third: Get Malaysian Business Online Programme (GMBO) to assist 50,000 small entrepreneurs, particularly women to promote their businesses by increasing their sales online with a grant of RM1,000. SKMM will provide an allocation of RM50 million for this purpose; and

Forth: Allocation of RM25,000 for free mammogram examination for women, which is estimated to benefit 100,000 women aged 40 and above.

110. The Government cares for the less fortunate and low-income group, and will ensure that they are not marginalised in the nation’s development. 

Therefore, the 1Malaysia Welfare Programme (KAR1SMA) under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development will be allocated RM1.2 billion comprising assistance programmes for senior citizens, children and disabled workers as well as for chronic illnesses. 

111. The Government has launched 1AZAM or Akhiri Zaman Miskin programme to provide opportunities to generate income for the low-income group. 

The programmes under this initiative are Azam Kerja, Azam Tani, Azam Niaga, Azam Khidmat. 

For this, the Government allocates RM400 million which is expected to benefit 58,330 participants. 

112. A part from this, the Government has provided two Anjung Singgah centres for senior citizens, street children and those who need temporary shelter prior to securing a job or permanent accommodation. 

For this, the Government will provide six additional Anjung Singgah centres. 

The Government will also establish five Anjung Kasih in Sibu, Miri, Temerloh, Seremban and Ipoh hospitals to provide temporary and comfortable accommodation for poor patients or family members who accompany the patients.

Youth and Sports

113. Sports is the best catalyst for national unity as it involves all segments of society. 

Sports personalities such as Lee Chong Wei, Nicol Anne David, Pandelela Rinong, Azizulhasni Awang and Muhamad Ziyad are among the highly regarded heroes and heroines in sports. 

The nation is proud of their success and achievements in the international arena. 

The Government places emphasis on continuous sports development and for this, an allocation RM738 million is provided for youth and sports development. 

114. The Government will allocate RM15 million to prepare athletes for international sporting events, including the South East Asian Games and ASEAN Para Games in 2013 as well as the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games in 2014. 

In addition, a sum of RM50 million is allocated for four years, specifically in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Rio under the Road to Rio programme.

115. To encourage the development of cycling and badminton, the Government will build a covered velodrome in Seremban and a Badminton Academy in Bukit Kiara with an allocation of RM80 million.

116. In efforts to produce a young generation with towering personality and integrity as well as creative, innovative and competitive attributes, the Government will launch the Y-Creative Programme involving youth societies nationwide. 

The Government will also organise the Putrajaya Youth Festival, which will be the largest youth gathering in Malaysia, in conjunction with 2013 as the National Volunteer Year.

117. To assist young ICT entrepreneurs, a New Entrepreneur Foundation (NEF) will be established with an initial allocation of RM50 million. 

The NEF will be the platform to provide training and guidance programmes. 

118. In addition, a Young Entrepreneurs Fund will be established with an allocation of RM50 million by the SME Bank. 

The soft loans, aimed at youths aged 30 and below, offers a 2% interest rate subsidy for loans up to RM100,000 with a 7-year repayment period. 

119. The Government recognises the role of youths in aspiring Malaysia’s development. 

In this regard, the Government will launch the 1Malaysia For Youth Blue Ocean Competition (1M4U) to enable the youth to present creative and innovative ideas through competition at local, state and national levels. 

The best three ideas will be awarded funds from the 1Malaysia Volunteer Fund. 

120. A majority of the 22% of Malaysians who use smartphones to surf the Internet are youths. 

To enable the youths to access the information highway, a special package will be introduced by the Government with the cooperation between the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) and telecommunications companies. 

Through the Youth Communication Package, a one-off rebate of RM200 will be provided for the purchase of one unit of 3G smartphone from authorised dealers. 

The initiative is for youths aged between 21 to 30 years with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below. 

A sum of RM300 million is allocated benefiting 1.5 million youths. 

Recognising Artistes

121. Tapping on the role of artistes in the nation’s development, we acknowledge that the nation’s progress is not solely measured in terms of per capita income and economic growth. 

It is also measured through several dimensions. 

The artistes play an important role in enhancing national culture. 

In appreciating their role, the Government will provide RM6 million for activities and administration expenses to all registered associations. 

Expanding Urban Public Transport Network

122. An efficient public transport system, is crucial for development of the community. 

Following the successful implementation of RapidKL and Rapid Penang, the Government will launch RapidKuantan on 1 December 2012 to provide high-quality bus transport services in Kuantan, which will benefit the rakyat. 

Additionally, Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad is in the process of expanding its services to other locations such as Ipoh, Seremban, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. 

123. The Government is aware of the importance of transport for the public, especially those who live and work in major towns. 

Currently, the disabled, retirees and students enjoy a 50% discount on KTM Komuter fares. 

In this regard, I am happy to announce that the Government will extend the discount to all Malaysians with a monthly income of RM3,000 and below and who travel by KTM Komuter.

Housing for Rakyat

124. The Government acknowledges that comfortable and affordable housing is the most important basic necessity for the rakyat. 

The Government is committed in ensuring that the rakyat has the opportunity to own a house. 

This is not only an economic imperative, but also a moral imperative for a responsible Government. 

Therefore, the Government will make affordable housing a continuous priority. 

I am happy to announce that the Government will allocate RM1.9 billion to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations in 2013. 

The initiative will be implemented by PR1MA, Syarikat Perumahan Nasional Berhad (SPNB) and Jabatan Perumahan Negara. 

125. A total of RM500 million will be spent by PR1MA to build 80,000 houses in major locations nationwide with the selling price ranging between RM100,000 and RM400,000 per unit. 

Among the locations are Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Johor Bahru, Seremban and Kuantan. 

126. In addition, PR1MA will provide the Housing Facilitation Fund totalling RM500 million to build houses in collaboration with private housing developers. 

The house prices under this programme will be 20% lower than the market price and distributed through an open balloting system.

127. Meanwhile RM320 million will be allocated through SPNB to build 22,855 residential units including low and medium-cost apartments, Rumah Mesra Rakyat and Rumah Mampu Milik. 

SPNB’s housing projects, which will be implemented immediately, include the construction of 1,855 medium-cost apartment units with a built-up area of 850 square feet in Shah Alam and Sungai Buloh. 

These units will be sold at about RM120,000 to RM220,000 per unit. 

128. With regard to Rumah Mesra Rakyat programme, SPNB will build a total of 21,000 houses in 2013. 

Under this programme, SPNB will construct houses priced at RM65,000 per unit with a subsidy of RM20,000 as well as a 2% subsidy on interest rate.

129. In addition, a sum of RM543 million will be provided to Jabatan Perumahan Negara for the implementation of 45 projects under the Rakyat Housing Programme (PPR) involving 20,454 units which will be constructed through the Industrialised Building System (IBS). 

These units of houses will be sold at a price between RM30,000 and RM40,000 per unit, much lower than the market price of about RM120,000 per unit. 

The Government will also allocate 20% of the PPR houses to public sector employees and 1% to the disabled. 

130. To enable more Malaysian own their first residential property, My First Home Scheme, which was launched under the previous Budget, will be improved by increasing the income limit for individual loans from RM3,000 to RM5,000 per month or joint loans of husband and wife of up to RM10,000 per month. 

In addition, the requirement for a savings record equivalent to three months instalment and minimum employment of six months will be abolished.

131. In the 2009 Budget, the Government had given a 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer agreements and loan agreements for the purchase of the first residential property of up to RM350,000. 

The Government proposes that the stamp duty exemption is extended to 31 December 2014 with the price limit on residential properties raised to RM400,000. 

Revision of Real Property Gain Tax

132. The limited supply of real property especially in urban areas has provided opportunities for speculative activities. 

Therefore, the Government proposes the real property gains tax (RPGT) from the disposal of properties made within a period not exceeding 2 years from the date of purchase will be taxed at the rate of between 15% and 10% of disposal of property within a period of 2 to 5 years. 

For property disposed after 5 years from the date of acquisition, RPGT is not applicable. 

In addition, gains from the disposal of one residential property once in a lifetime and disposal of properties based on love and affection between husband and wife, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren are exempted from RPGT.

Tax Incentive for Revival of Abandoned Housing Projects

133. Furthermore, in 2013 the Government will allocate RM100 million to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to revive 30 abandoned housing projects. 

In addition, to encourage the involvement of the private sector, the Government will provide tax incentives as follows:

First: Banking institutions be given tax exemption on interest income received from the rescuing contractor/developer;

Second: Rescuing developer be given a double deduction on interest paid and all direct costs incurred in obtaining loans;

Third: Rescuing contractor be given stamp duty exemption on all instruments executed for the purpose of transfer of land or houses and loan agreements to finance the cost of revival; and

Fourth: Original house buyer in the abandoned project be given stamp duty exemption on all instruments executed for the purpose of obtaining additional finance and the transfer of the house. 

Assistance and Incentives

Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M)

134. This is a people’s Government, from the rakyat to the rakyat. 

The prosperity of the nation and the well-being of the rakyat is our ultimate objective. 

The Government will not take any action that will jeopardise the future of the people. 

Others make empty promises; offer free goods and debts that need not be repaid; and promise the moon and the heavens just to gain power. 

However, as the Minister of Finance, I will not hide the truth though it may be painful. 

In short, this Government will not mislead the rakyat. 

135. In this respect, the Government is currently undertaking a subsidy rationalisation initiative and gradually shift the provision of the bulk of subsidies that lead to leakages, and benefit the high-income group, to targeted subsidies under this principle. 

In reality, subsidies continue to be given to groups that truly need the subsidies. 

If the Government continues to provide the bulk of subsidies, it will adversely affect the financial position of the country, and causing the rakyat to bear the consequences, as has been in other countries. 

As a responsible Government, we will never allow this to occur. 

136. In line with the move towards targeted subsidy, the Government is committed in ensuring every segment of the society is able to enjoy the wealth of the nation. 

This can only occur if the economy continues to record sustainable growth and the nation is able to generate income, I am glad to announce the distribution of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M 2.0). 

The criteria remains the same, where the head of the household earning less than RM3,000 is eligible for the assistance. 

In addition, I am pleased to announce that this assistance will be extended to single unmarried individuals aged 21 and above and earning not more than RM2,000 a month. 

This assistance amounts to RM250.

137. As the matter of fact, the assistance to household and single unmarried individuals is not a populist move, but the reflection of a Government that is responsible and capable of managing the nation’s finance prudently. 

This will benefit 4.3 million households and 2.7 million single unmarried individuals and involve an allocation of RM3 billion. 

It will be paid effective January 2013. 

To facilitate implementation, existing BR1M recipients are not required to register for the second time, while new applicants may register commencing November 2012 via online or at the counters of State Development Offices, District Offices and Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) offices nationwide. 

138. Moderate intake of sugar is acceptable. 

However, if taken excessively, it may be harmful. 

To date, about 2.6 million suffer from diabetes. 

In this regard, the Government propose to reduce the subsidy on sugar by RM0.20 per kilogramme, effective from 29 September 2012. 

The Government urges the business community not to burden the rakyat by increasing the price of sugar but instead reduce the content of sugar in food and beverage. 

139. I want to stress that the Government is still subsidising RM0.34 per kilogramme on sugar involving an expenditure of RM278 million. 

The subsidy reduction is supported by consumer association and health practitioners. 

140. Furthermore, to maintain the increasing price differential and consumption quota on cooking oil, the Government will provide an allocation of RM1.5 billion to stabilise the prices of cooking oil in the market. 

Price Uniformity Scheme

141. Generally, prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak are higher compared with Peninsular Malaysia due to the high cause of delivery and distribution. 

To reduce the costs and prices of goods, the Government has introduced various initiatives, including the price uniformity programme, provision of transport subsidy as well as opening Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M). 

For this, the Government will allocate RM386 million to ensure the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak as well as in Labuan are sold at lower prices through the opening of 57 KR1M; and to bear the cost of delivering products from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan including the interior areas. 

For example, in Ba’kalalan, Sarawak, the price of a 14 per kg cooking gas cylinder is sold at RM70. 

With the price uniformity programme, the cooking gas can be purchased at only RM26.60 per cylinder. 

142. In addition, to reduce the burden of the rakyat who commute daily by ferry from Labuan to Sabah and Sarawak, the Government will provide a 50% discount on ferry charges to all passengers. 

Furthermore, 50% discounts will also be provided on ferry charges for commercial vehicles that transport basic essential goods and construction materials to Labuan. 

Facilitating Hajj Pilgrimage 

143. It is once again the season for Muslims to head towards Baitullah. 

In the 2012 Budget, I announced that EPF contributors can make early registration to fulfil the 5th principle (Rukun Islam) through ring-fencing the Account 2 amounting RM1,300. 

Praise be on the Almighty, as to date, a total of 51,528 contributors have used this initiative. 

As an additional measure to assist the potential hajj pilgrims, I would like to announce that potential hajj pilgrims who contribute to the EPF, will now be allowed to withdraw their savings from Account 2 to meet hajj cost. 

The initiative is limited to jemaah muassasah with a maximum withdrawal of up to RM3,000. 

Tax Revision on Individual Income and Cooperatives

144. The Government is concerned about the rising cost of living on the rakyat as well as their income tax liabilities. 

The Government has provided 20 individual tax reliefs and two tax rebates. 

With these tax reliefs and rebates, only 1.7 million persons pay tax compared to the overall workforce of 12 million.

145. In the transition process from the current tax system, based on income to a tax system that is fairer, the Government proposes that individual income tax rate be reduced by 1 percentage point for each grouped annual income tax exceeding RM2,500 to RM50,000. 

The measure will remove 170,000 taxpayers from paying tax as well as provide savings on their tax payment. 

As an example, unmarried young professional with a monthly income of RM5,000 will enjoy income tax savings up to RM425 per person.

146. Meanwhile, to continue spearheading the transformation of the cooperative movement, the Government proposes that cooperative income tax rate be reduced between 1 to 7 percentage points on income tax groups. 

With this, 7 million cooperative members will enjoy this benefit as an encouragement to increase entrepreneurial participation in business. 

Easing the Burden of Bus Operators

147. The Government is concerned about the safety of children travelling by school buses, particularly buses in poor condition. 

These buses are in poor condition because the operators are unable to bear the rising cost of maintenance as most of the buses have exceeded their economic life span. 

For this, the Government proposes school bus operators to be given, firstly, assistance of RM10,000 cash rebate and a 2% interest rate subsidy on full loans for the purchase of new buses to replace buses that have exceeded 25 years with new 12 to 18-seater buses. 

This loan scheme, managed by BSN, will be offered for a period of two years commencing 1 January 2013. 

148. Secondly, provide insurance coverage in the event of accidents, total and permanent disability and death for all school children who travel by school buses with permits. 

This effort will benefit two million students with maximum coverage of RM100,000 and premium cost of RM40 million per year for a period of two years that will be regulated by Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD).

Reducing Students’ Cost of Learning

149. The Government is very concerned about students’ welfare, particularly those from low-income families. 

The Government continuous to provide special allocations to primary and secondary school students which include per capita grant, hostel meal assistance programme, Food Supplement Programme (RMT), purchase of text books and assistance for payment of additional school fees. 

For this, RM2.6 billion will be allocated for 2013.

150. In the 2012 Budget, I announced Schooling Assistance of RM100 to all primary and secondary students. 

Towards easing the burden of the low and medium-income families, the Government will once again provide the Schooling Assistance of RM100 to all primary and secondary students. 

This assistance is expected to benefit 5.4 million students involving an allocation of RM540 million and will commence January 2013. 

151. The Government will continue the 1Malaysia Book Voucher programme for all students in institutions of higher learning (IPT) and at pre-university level. 

I am pleased to announce that the value of the voucher will be increased from RM200 to RM250. 

The measure will involve an allocation of RM325 million and benefit 1.3 million students nationwide.

152. The Government is very concerned about the cost of higher education. 

To ease financial burden of parents, the Government proposes that the existing tax relief on the children’s higher education amounting to RM4,000 per person be increased to RM6,000, commencing from year of assessment 2013. 

The measure reflects the Government’s commitment and focus on investment to enhance the level of education of the young generation that will benefit the country in the future. 

153. To encourage the savings habit for education, I am pleased to announce that the current relief of RM3,000 for savings in the National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN) will be increased to RM6,000. 

154. According to the law, debts must be repaid. 

The PTPTN loan is a privilege, not a right. 

If the loan is not repaid, it denies the rights of future students to access financing. 

Therefore, to facilitate loan repayment process, the Government will introduce several incentives. 

First, repayment of full loan within a year upon this announcement effective from 1 October 2012 until 30 September 2013, a discount of 20% will be given on their loan. 

155. Meanwhile, for those with consistent repayment of PTPTN loan in accordance to their repayment schedule, a 10% discount per annum on their repayment will be given effective from 1 October 2012. 

As we are aware, there are parties who propose to abolish the overall PTPTN debt. 

This action is deemed irresponsible. 

If abolished who shall bear the outstanding debt of PTPTN amounting to RM30 billion. 

Would it not be the rakyat who will be burdened? 

Is it an act of responsibility if we are the borrowers, but the rakyat are the ones who have to pay? 

Broadband Programme for Urban Poor

156. The Government will establish 100 1Malaysia Internet Centres from 2013 to 2015 in suitable areas in the city such as PPR locations. 

The centres will be equipped with computer facilities and broadband services for daily usage and will enhance the socio-economic activities. 

For this, SKMM will provide an allocation of RM150 million. 

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

157. The Government hopes that the private sector, corporate bodies as well as Government-Linked Companies (GLCs) will play a bigger role in the development and the well-being of the rakyat through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

To support the Government’s effort to intensify CSR activities, the following programmes will be implemented by GLCs and various agencies:

First: Felda will implement and complete new generation housing projects amounting to 20,000 units for a period of five years on 5,000 acres of land in Felda areas. The project will cost a sum of RM1.5 billion. In addition, Felda will allocate RM60 million to revive traditional village houses in the Felda areas. Felda will also spend RM100 million a year for education and skills training programme as well as scholarships for 5,000 new generation children from which 30% or 2,000 people are children outside the Felda scheme;

Second: The 1Malaysian Development Berhad Trust will allocate RM300 million to provide education grants and financial assistance to build rumah arau pre-school students in the interior of Sarawak, 1Malaysia Mobile Clinic and repair houses for the poor and needy; and

Third: Government-Linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and GLCs will allocate about RM500 for CSR in community development, scholarships, education, sports and environment. 

158. No matter how good is a policy enacted by the Government, it will be meaningless without efficient and effective implementation. 

The Government is grateful to all civil servants who are a part of the Government administrative machinery in implementing policy regardless of whether they are in districts, local authorities, states or Federal Agencies.

159. The Government also takes this opportunity to acknowledge the role played by the Ministry of Finance as the implementor of the national fiscal policy, Bank Negara Malaysia, which is responsible for monetary policy and the Security Commission oversees the integrity of the domestic capital market.

160. Hence, as a token of the Government’s appreciation, I am pleased to announce a bonus of one and a half months salary. 

As we know, of this total, half a month bonus was paid during the past Aidilfiltri, another half month bonus given end-of December 2012, and January 2013, respectively. 

It is hoped that this bonus will reduce the burden on civil servants, especially families at the beginning of school year. 

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