Thursday 2 February 2012


Projek Ukay Bistari- Kebodohan Exco Perumahan Selangor Memalukan Khalid Gagap

Projek Ukay Bistari- Kebodohan Exco Perumahan Selangor Memalukan Khalid Gagap

Sabtu lepas, DS Noh Omar telah turun ke kawasan parlimen Azmin Ali untuk berjumpa dengan penduduk Ukay Bistari dalam program penyerahan kunci rumah untuk satu projek yang telah berjaya diselesaikan oleh kerajaan BN selepas tertangguh sejak sekian lama.

Laporan tentang program tersebut boleh dilihat di dalam blog beliau. KLIK SINI. Dalam kenyataan pendek DS Noh didalam blog beliau mengatakan bahawa

"Saya ingin mengulangi kenyataan saya baru-baru ini bahawa ini bukanlah satu agenda Barisan Nasional untuk memancing undi tetapi sebagai satu tanggungjawap yang harus ditunaikan selaras dengan konsep 1Malaysia Rakyat Didahulukan Pencapaian Diutamakan".

Sebenarnya ada beberapa perkara menarik tentang projek perumahan ini. Pertama adalah sikap Azmin sendiri yang cuba mendapatkan political mileage bilamana dia mendapat tahu akan kehadiran DS Noh Omar untuk berjumpa dengan penduduk Ukay Bistari. Di dalam twitter bermacam-macam status diberikan seolah-olah mereka yang bertanggungjawap sepenuhnya terhadap projek tersebut. Lebih menarik kenyataan beliau disanggah oleh Dr Rafik Presiden VICTIMS satu NGO yang memperjuangkan nasib penduduk Ukay Bistari. Berikut adalah antara kenyataan Azmin Ali dan juga jawapan balas daripada Dr Rafik.

Itu status sebelum kehadiran DS Noh Omar. Selepas kehadiran DS Noh di Ukay Bistari menarik perhatian media, Rejim Khalid Gagap sudah seperti cacing kepanasan. Mereka cuba mencari fakta yang boleh mempertikaikan program penyerahan kunci tersebut. Seperti biasa ahli PAS akan tampil mempertahankan kerajaan DAP Selangor ini. Ahli PAS tersebut adalah YB Iskandar Adun Chempaka selaku Exco Perumahan mengeluarkan kenyataan di blog beliau KLIK SINI bahawa projek Ukay Bistari itu belum mendapat CF ataupun TCF daripada pihak berkuasa tempatan dan mendakwa DS Noh Omar cuba mempolitikkan masalah rakyat.

Mengikut sumber dakwaan tersebut adalah benar kerana CF tidak dapat dikeluarkan kerana belum mendapat laporan daripada pihak Bomba. Apa yang menariknya adalah, jawapan daripada NGO VICTIMS yang menjemput DS Noh Omar secara jelas telah membongkar kebodohan kerajaan Selangor sendiri termasuklah Punaisihat Gay Tua, Khalid Gagap, YB Iskandar dan juga YB Shaari Sungib. Ini adalah kenyataan daripada VICTIMS yang memberi komen terhadap artikel di blog YB Iskandar.

1. We refer to YB Iskandar A Samad (YBI) statement with regards to the key handover ceremony that wehad organized and graced by Dato’ Noh Omar at Ukay Bistari on the 28th Jan 2012. It is regrettable that YBI chose to politicize the matter especially when he had failed in his responsibility in solving abandon housing issue in Ukay Bistari and in many other parts of Selangor. VICTIMS Malaysia would like to put the record straight.
2. VICTIMS Malaysia maintains a close monitoring of the progress of abandon projects in several places in Selangor. At Ukay Bistari, the committee oversees the project development since 2007. In 2007, VICTIMS manage to deliver 103 units of terrace houses after solving the water issue without the involvement of the state or the MHLG. In May 2008, VICTIMS engaged the YB Saari Sungib (SS) to revive the project. He took the imitative and tried to get the buy in from SSG to solve the problem. It took them 2 years to complete a 30m ramp to link the low cost house to the nearest road. The SSG delivered 146 units of low cost house without CF in Feb 2010. The block did not even have a proper water supply. Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim graced the key hand over ceremony where VICTIMS Malaysia expresses our displeasure publicly.
3. The TCF only came out several months later. The 146 units of houses do not have any CF until today.We acknowledge the limitation of the state and the limited capacity of YB SS in view of the rigid policy of the SSG under the stewardship of MB Khalid Ibrahim. We gave up and had to seek alternative assistance to solve our problems. Subsequently we sought the assistance of Dato Noh Omar.
4. On the 28th Jan 2012 VICTIM organized the key handover ceremony. We honored Dato Noh because he brought the issue to the attention of the cabinet that led to personal intervention of the housing minister. The housing minister was invited but could not attend as he was overseas. The handover ceremony involves the delivery of service apartments and shops. In our speech we acknowledge the contribution made by YB SS in 2010 for the low cost units. The units that were handed over are commercial units where SPA agreement clearly indicates that the developer can handover the units without any CF. the facilities are ready with water and electricity connection. YBI statement is highly political in nature, counter productive and do not help the purchasers. VICTIMS can also question YBI on his contribution in solving the problems that is affecting more than 1200 house buyers in Ukay Bistari. We hope he can come forward and list specifically three actions that he has taken to help the buyers at Ukay Bistari. We also put forward the same challenge to YB Azmin Ali, the MP of Gombak.
5. VICTIMS Malaysia would like to appeal to SSG and to YBI to come forward and assist many other abandon project in Selangor. In Hulu Kelang there are 4 other projects that need the assistance. The victims know who helped and who did not. We know how to show our appreciation to those that had helped. What is clear is that we do not appreciate anyone that politicized the issue without actually helping the victims. We certainly do not appreciate those that make statement with correct facts. In line of the motto of the Ukay Bistari victims, we would like to remind all parties that “we shall remember who helped us and WILL NOT forget who didn’t. The SSG should take this challenge positively if they want the people to support their political ideologies. Politics without service to the people is meaningless. VICTIMS Malaysia is an NGO and has no political inclination. We prefer to honor those who helped us. For the record, we have extended an invitation to the PM to do a grand key handover ceremony for the remainder of the units in Ukay Bistari. We will invite YBI or Azmin Ali and the MB if they also help us.
The ball is in their court.

Dari jawapan VICTIMS ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa keburukkan dan bukti kegagalan kerajaan Selangor sudah sampai ke kemuncak. Tiada apa yang boleh dipertahankan lagi. Bagi aku tidak perlu untuk DS Noh Omar melayan kenyataan YB Iskandar. Cukup sekadar pihak media merujuk kepada kenyataan VICTIM yang secara dasar kewujudannya tanpa ada sebarang agenda politik.

Ini pula adalah jawapan daripada individu yang aku yakin adalah pembeli rumah Ukay Bistari yang membaca artikel di blog YB Iskandar.

Ini adalah Dr Rafik Presiden VICTIMS Malaysia NGO yang memperjuangkan nasib pembeli rumah Ukay Bistari.

Aku nak kongsi sikit luahan beliau dalam blognya;

UK Bistari purchasers will not forget
Yesterday VICTIMS Malaysia organized a key handing over ceremony for the purchasers at block A and D at the project site. More than 300 people attended the event. There were kids and the event was a happy one. Victims Malaysia has honored BN Selangor by inviting Dato Noh Omar, the Deputy Head of BN Selangor to grace the event and handover mock key. In my speech I narrated the history of UKB and give honors to the people that helped us. I honored Yb Saari Sungib for assisting to complete and deliver 146 units of low cost house. I also mentioned about asking YB Zuraidah raising the issues in Parliament. I also narrated where we hijacked Dato Noh from an official event in Melawati to visit the site in Sept 2010 and how he raised the matter in cabinet. The PM eventually instructed Dato Chor to make this case as a priority and to resolve the matter. Prior to political intervention, we have been dealing with officers at KPKT and things hardly moved.
For the record in July 2010 VICTIMS has offered an equal opportunity tender to both political parties. PR and SSG refuse to participate. They did not event want to consider. To the 1200 apartment buyers, nothing is far more relevant to them than having their house. The event yesterday was well covered by the MSM. I had requested to Dato Noh to invite the PM to attend and grace a final handover ceremony for the whole block on 30thApril 2012. The date was chosen because the developer has indicated that that the balance 650 units will be delivered before the end of April. I believe if the PM commits a date then it will put a lot of pressure to the developer in completing the project.
Through this post, VICTIMS Malaysia would like to offer another project for tender to both political parties within 1km from the current site where 250 houses buyers are waiting for their homes for the last 7 years. The developer is Platimum 88, which is another subsidiary company that is related to TSCAC. There are enough resources within the project to complete it without having to inject additional funds. The question is on how to leverage the developer in agreeing to our plans. The house buyers are prepared to inject a rolling capital of RM1.2 mill. Someone suggested in my previous post to seek help from Faekah Husin who is the MB political secretary. We will try despite ADUN BA/MP Gombak did not help, the MB don’t want to even meet us. To those strong Pakatan fans, I would appreciate if you could push SSG to help this poor folks. It’s never too late to win people’s heart and we at VICTIMS are always open and fair.

Poster yang jelas menunjukkan kemarahan penduduk Ukay Bistari terhadap Azmin Ali dan Saari Sungib.

Aku kongsikan 1 lagi berita berkaitan dari Utusan;

Penantian selama sembilan tahun oleh 2,000 pembeli pangsapuri Residensi Bistaria di Ukay Bestari, Hulu Klang di sini berakhir apabila mereka menerima kunci rumah dan bakal menduduki rumah masing-masing mulai pertengahan bulan depan.
Rasa gembira dan syukur pembeli itu turut dikongsi dengan Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar yang hadir menyerahkan kunci rumah pembeli pada satu majlis ringkas, tetapi cukup bermakna baru-baru ini.
Noh berkata, seramai 500 pembeli menerima kunci rumah mereka pada majlis itu, manakala selebihnya akan diserahkan dalam sedikit masa lagi.
Ujarnya, sebanyak enam blok sudah boleh diduduki, manakala tiga blok lagi akan disiapkan pada April ini.
“Projek perumahan ini bukanlah terbengkalai seperti yang disangkakan tetapi difahamkan ia lewat disiapkan. Bagaimanapun, Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan berjaya menyelesaikan masalah ini.
“Ini adalah bukti bahawa kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) sentiasa mendahulukan rakyat dan menjaga kepentingan rakyat,” katanya ketika ditemui pada majlis tersebut.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Victims (Damai Bistari), Dr. Mohamed Rafick Khan berkata, campur tangan Noh dan seterusnya Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan akhirnya menamatkan penantian dan penderitaan sembilan tahun para pembeli pangsapuri itu.
Menurutnya, sejak 2008 lagi masalah itu sudah dibawa ke pengetahuan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor tetapi tiada jalan penyelesaian ditemui.
“Kehadiran Datuk Noh pada Julai 2010 walaupun tidak dirancang akhirnya membawa rahmat dan kelegaan kepada pembeli apabila isu ini dibawa ke perhatian Kerajaan Pusat.
“Kini semuanya sudah selesai. Pembeli akan menerima kunci secara berperingkat dan boleh mula memasuki rumah masing-masing pada minggu kedua Februari,” katanya. - Utusan

Betul kata DS Noh Omar dalam kenyataan kepada media yang aku petik daripada blog beliau iaitu;

"tindak balas positif yang ditunjukkan rakyat ini tidak digemari oleh pihak pembangkang yang rasa tergugat dan mendakwa bahawa kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) memberikan banyak bantuan atas desakan pembangkang,"

Sumber : KGC


  1. Homo cun ni,Azmin Ali dan sayangku mana boleh fikir benda lain.Asyik teringatkan bontot je la.

  2. MAK DARA.. thanks a lot ya.. in return i have already vote yours. n u 2.. gud luck ya.. ^_^


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