Monday 1 October 2012



161. The new budget that I have tabled for 2013 is the last budget before the 13th General Election. 

This is among the series of budgets that will propel this beloved nation towards achieving the national vision.

162. With the permission of the Almighty, and the support of the rakyat, god willing we will witness six more budgets to be tabled by the Barisan Nasional Government before transforming Malaysia from middle to a high income and developed country. 

163. As a party with the mandate, we urge the rakyat to evaluate critically and rationally each and every successful record of the Barisan Nasional. 

Over the last 55 years, the Barisan Nasional Government and the earlier Perikatan Government have created a better quality of life for the rakyat. 

164. We are aware that there are parties requesting to be given a chance to form the next Government. 

In a democratic country, we understand that they too have their rights. 

It is the rakyat who ultimately decides who will be given the mandate through the ballot box. 

165. The time has arrived when every rakyat will soon make a choice in determining their future as well as that of their children. 

An important question to ask in making that decision is whether life today is better than yesterday, and whether tomorrow gives hope that is full of possibilities and potential. 

If the answer is yes, please give the mandate to the present Government to further improve what we have today, without any hesitation.

166. We recognise that the Barisan Nasional Government is not without fault, but what differentiates us from others is that they do not have the courage to accept mistakes. 

On the other hand, they make excuses and to find fault in others.

167. Ultimately, parties that offer an alternative must also be evaluated on their merit. 

The rakyat knows them well. 

Among them, there are those who were trusted as leaders to manage the nation’s wealth. 

Furthermore in many states they are heading the Government.

168. If today they make promises, the rakyat must ask why is this leadership, while in power, did not take any action. 

When they had the opportunity; and did not implement what they promised, what guarantee is there that they will fulfil promises when they are in power?

169. Wasn’t it during the Asian financial crisis that the country was almost destroyed? 

And today, in the states that are administered by them, their manifestos contain only promises. 

Can they be trusted when in power?

170. This is contrary to the conduct of Barisan Nasional Government, when we make promises, we fulfil them. 

As a matter of fact, even before making promises, we are responsible in ensuring that we are capable of fulfilling them. 

In trying to win, they are willing to do anything but when they win all their promises will be forgotten.

171. According to Plato, ‘The measure of a man is what he does with power’

There are parties who are willing to sacrifice everything simply for the sake of power. 

The Barisan Nasional Government is guided by “fastabiqul khairat” as written in Al-Quran that I had recited earlier, which is to do good. 

The parties on the other side are guided by the “fastabiqul fasad” that is they will not hesitate to do bad. 

172. The Barisan Nasional Government fosters racial unity which is the basis for national stability. 

But other parties, however others who want to be in power are sowing seeds of conflict and hate. 

This Government has been accused of several wrongdoings according to their own whims and fancy.

173. Thus, I urge Malaysians to judge the Barisan Nasional Government on its merits. 

Please join my colleagues and I to fulfil our potential towards developing a country that we can be truly proud of. 

A country where the weak are protected, those in need get help, the strong protect, the young loved, the elderly are valued, those in need assisted, and those with potentials given opportunities.

174. Truly, we want Malaysia to be well known internationally, prosperous and peaceful. 

With His Blessings, and the support of the rakyat we will make it a reality. 

To You, Allah we submit.

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